University STRUGGLES

Literally, the struggle is REAL….

I am just starting university and OH MY GOODNESS I am stressed. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and currently go to the University here. Can I just say it’s more than I ever dreamed it would be?

It’s only my second day and a few disasters have happened but overall, I am having a good time. But obviously all you want to hear about is the bad stuff am I right? Of course I am.

So first off, I was almost late to my first class! The parking lot was so full that it took me 20 minutes to find a parking spot, and it ended up being in the WAY BACK of the lot. I then had to walk from my car, across the campus, to get to my class. I had 15 minutes. I had to hurry. I made it, don’t worry, but after that class I had a short 30 minute break so I decided to stop off in the library to grab a cup of coffee – my second mistake. When I swung my backpack off one shoulder to just quickly reach in my bag for my wallet the strap that I still had on SNAPPED OFF!! I don’t know how it happened, it wasn’t like it was an old backpack, it literally was a BRAND NEW BACKPACK. But I had to get to class so I didn’t have time to go put the broken backpack in my car and make it back in time, so I carried a broken backpack to my second class ever at uni. Finally the class finished and I made the long trek to my car and swapped my backpack for my purse and just carried my materials, but when I locked my car I heard a male voice say “hey”. IT WAS A 40+ YEAR OLD MAN!!!! I awkwardly said “hi” back and started to walk away very quickly as he proceeded to go “you’re cute” and I was then panicked, said “THATS NICE” and walked away as quick as possible.

I decided on my way back into campus I would chill in the library until my friend Hanna got out of class, when on my way I head many protestors. Or preachers. I don’t know which you would call them. They were yelling about how no one should bother going to church because Jesus isn’t there and all this other baloney and it was very weird. I sat in the library and realized by this point I was quite hot and sweaty considering Las Vegas is around 110 degrees when it’s summer and after noon. So I became very self conscious about smelling bad so I sprayed a little spritz of perfume under my armpits just in case and then the guy at the table across from me made a face and got up and left the floor of the library. Personally, I think my perfume smells good but I made him RUN AWAY.

Needless to say my day was VERY INTERESTING and I now just sit in the very back of the library away from everyone because I don’t want to annoy people with my WONDERFUL SMELLING PERFUME.

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